Every employer in Tamil Nadu has to register with Labour office towards complying with Labour Welfare Fund.
They will have to deduct Rs. 7/- for each employee and at the same time, contribute on behalf of the employees, a sum of Rs. 14/- for each employee.
This needs to be done once in a year and normally in December.
The establishments shall remit the said amount on or before 31st January of the following month.
All shops, establishment, factories will be covered under this Act.
The coverage will be for all employees.
Commercial bodies/shops with strength of five employees and above are also covered.
Establishments that fail to make the contribution will be liable for penal proceedings under the Revenue Recovery Act.
All establishments should send in their contribution to the Labour Welfare Fund by January 31 of the following year.
Pls note, the deduction from Employee is Rs. 7/- and the Employer contribution is Rs. 14/- per head.
Form –A has to be duly filled in and submitted to the labour office located for the concerned Region.
Statement showing the particulars of contribution Amount paid to the secretary, Tamilnadu Labour Welfare Board, for the year ending 31st December.
Name and address of the Establishment.
1. Total No. of employees in the establishment:
2. No. of persons who are excluded from the payment of contribution.
3. No. of persons from whom their recovery not made for any other reasons.
4. No. of persons from whom employee’s contributions have been recovered.
5. Amount of employee’s contribution at Rs.7/- per head.
6. Amount of employer’s contribution at Rs.14/- per head.
7. Total amount remitted (Cheque or Draft No. and Date)
Authorised Signatory.
1. Certified that the number of employee shown under Column (1) is correct as per the Muster Roll/Attendance Register.
2. * Certified that the contribution is paid in respect of all employees covered by the Act.
3. * Certified that the contribution in respect of employees covered by the Act has yet to be recovered and it will paid separately.
(Vide G.O.Ms.No.868, Labour and Employment Department, dt.30.10.1976.
* Strike out items not applicable.