How to register for bar code?
You would have heard from many people saying “I want to register my book, but don’t know how to do” while some say “I would like to do bar code registration of my book, but don’t know who does this”.
By ‘Registration’ or ‘bar code’, what they actually mean is obtaining the ISBN code. It is an abbreviated form of “International Standard Book Number’. This was introduced in the year 1972. You could find this code printed on the back side of the books (of those which got the registration done).
From the year 2007, it has been transformed in to a 13 digit bar code. With this code, one can find out the details about the book like the country of origin, publication etc. It is useful for book libraries, book publishers, book-sellers and for several research requirements. There are many advantages with this bar code for the publisher who publishes the book. They can easily track the stock on hand, stock order and other statistics- related necessaries.
Those who are interested in bar-coding their books can contact us at and we shall be glad to help you.