Do you possess currencies which were printed before 2005 ?
If answer to this question is “Yes”, then you will have to deposit it in your bank account or exchange it for new currencies – but on or before 30th June 2015 (that leaves us less than 10 days).
What currencies it include ?
It includes all currencies including denominations of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000.
How to find out whether your currencies were printed before 2005 ?
Simple !! Check the backside of your currency and see whether the year of printing is mentioned. If there is no year mentioned, then it was printed before 2005. All currencies which were printed after 2005, carry the year in which those were printed.
Why the old currencies are to be exchanged for new ones ?
This is mainly to rule out fake currencies which were printed prior to 2005. Moreover, the currencies printed after 2005 contains more added security features to avoid being faked.